Best calcium supplements of 2018
Calcium deficiency is a common problem experienced by both men and women. Yet, it mostly affects women above the age of 30 years and many believe taking calcium supplements is enough to deal with the problem. Well, these apparently harmless white tablets too can have an adverse effect on your health. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor before opting for this. It is also important to learn about the risk as well as benefits associated with these pills.
Pros and cons of calcium supplements
When speaking of the pros and cons, it will be wise for you to know that supplements are good only when they are taken in the right amount.

New Chapter Bone Strength
A bit expensive compared to other calcium supplements available in the market, this one tops the list for this year and has been derived from algae than any other minerals sources. The tablets are also free from any synthetic fillers or binders.
Caltrate Gummy Bites
These supplements are fairly expensive but are preferred for its taste. It is also a great source of phosphorous and vitamin D. Yet, the contents of the supplements have not been verified in any third party lab, so far.
Nature Made Calcium With Vitamin D
Although the tablets have received positive response among the users, these are not suitable for people who follow a vegetarian diet. If not, you can certainly opt for it as one tablet will provide you with 600 mg of calcium, which is quite high compared to others. The price of these tablets is also quite affordable.
Rainbow Light Calcium Citrate Mini Tablets
The small tablets can offer you eighty percent of the total calcium you need every day. However, take it twice daily. Known to be a good choice for the runners, these tablets are also a great source of vitamin D.
Bluebonnet Calcium Citrate Magnesium and Vitamin D3
You can get 100% calcium requirements by consuming these tablets twice a day. Known for quality and purity, these tablets are also a rich source of Vitamin D and Magnesium.
You can opt for any of the abovementioned tablets or go for the ones prescribed by a doctor.