Helping your child with ADHD
ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children having ADHD find it difficult to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. Symptoms or signs of ADHD usually appear early in the childhood. However, it is difficult to find the difference between attention deficit disorder child and normal child behavior. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is probably not ADHD. If you more connect with your child and he shows some signs and symptoms like ADHD that are present across all situations at school, at the playground, and at home – then it’s time to take a look to your child.
The behavior of ADHD children:

- Inattentive
- Hyperactive and sharp to catch the thing fast
- Hyperactive
Helping a child with ADHD
ADHD children have so many symptoms like hyperactivity, inattentive, and impulsivity. Children who have a difficulty in concentrating and can’t focus on their studies and play time face a struggle in school and frequently get into trouble. Because they are hyperactive, it is often difficult for them to make friends easily and have a hard time remembering things.
Parenting tips for ADHD
If your little one is hyperactive, careless, or indiscreet, it might take a ton of your energy to get him or her sit still at one place and finish a task.
There are numerous things guardians can do to reduce the signs and side effects of ADHD:
- Sleeping on time and eating healthy goes a long way in ensuring the overall well-being of your child. Parents should focus on inculcating healthy life practices. It is a must to get your child into a routine. In case of need, do seek face-to-face support from your child’s doctor.
- Ensure your kids participate in physical activities. Exercising is a great way to improve concentration and also promotes brain growth. For children with ADHD, physical activities induce better sleep.
Positive effects of ADHD in children
There are constructive traits associated with individuals who have attention deficit disorder such as:
- Children having ADHD have a curious and imaginative.
- They are courageous, adventurous, and live outside of boundaries.
- Always excited children with ADHD have a lively personality and are fun to be with. They often show interest in different things.
- They are intuitive towards others’ difficulties.
When enforced positively, kids with ADHD work hard and it can actually become difficult to distract them from doing what they love. Remember, ADHD does not affect your child’s intelligence or talent. Rather, it’s been seen that children with ADHD are creative and gifted.