Keeping a check on your baby’s weight gain
Most parents are worried about a proper and healthy weight gain of babies and toddlers. In case you are looking for a helping guide that would assist you in knowing what is the right weight for your baby’s age, you should first know the basic nutritional requirements of your baby. It is important to understand whether your baby is fed right and what are the sets of nutrition that are required by your baby, to name a few. Moreover, it is equally crucial to see what the doctor recommends when it comes to the nutritional needs of your baby. The weight gain of your baby depends on a number of factors.

Let us now take a look at what is the right weight for babies of different age group. Read on!
A newborn baby is the most delicate. Most of the child specialists ask parents not to worry if the newborn loses a few ounces after the birth. This is common among many babies. It has been observed that babies regain weight within the next 10 to 12 days of birth.
Newborns are recommended breast milk. Although some mothers give formula milk, but the former is best for a healthy weight gain. In case you notice that your baby experiences any allergy or reaction from formula milk, stop it immediately and consult the doctor. Sometimes, newborn babies can also experience uneasiness from breast milk. This happens due to the eating of the mother and so, it is necessary to keep a check on the mother’s diet as well.
1–6 months
This is the period when your baby would grow by an inch every month. Along with the growth, your baby would gain five to seven ounces a week. These number are true till the baby is properly fed and his or her nutritional requirements are diligently met.
In case you are not satisfied with the weight gain of your baby, you should always consult a pediatrician or lactation consultant to know more. There might be times when baby would not be able to get the breast milk properly. During such times, do not panic as this is normal for many babies of this age group.
Babies should not be introduced to solid food until and unless they are six months old. Till then, breast milk and formula milk are best for them. Feeding solid food to babies under six or four months can cause unstable digestion and an irritable bowel movement.
You can try feeding your baby with different solid foods when he or she turns six months old. This is the best time to do so but one should also be prepared for any food sensitivity. So, try to keep a gap of three days before introducing a new solid food to your baby.
7–12 months
Babies from seven months to a year old steadily gain weight of about two pounds every month. In case the weight gain is lesser than this, you must then consult the doctor.
Babies of this age group can continue having breast milk along with some vegetable purees and finger foods. You can try cutting small dices of fruits such as apples. Also, many pediatricians recommend cheese, meatballs, cubes of well-done pasta, potato patties, etc. for babies. Let your baby try anything that’s on your plate as long as it does not cause any choking hazard; it is this time that you need to be extra careful too!