Recent Advancement in Back Pain Treatment
Back pain includes lower back pain, upper back pain, middle back pain or lower back pain with sciatica. Various causes such as nerve and muscular problems, arthritis and degenerative disc disease can result in back pain. It is one of the leading causes of absence from work and second only to the common cold.
About 65%-85% of the US population is affected by this condition at some point in their life. Some of the major causes are a sprain, strain or spasm usually brought on due to poor lifting techniques, lousy back habits or improper posture. Through advancements in technology as well as medical science many a new back pain treatment has been developed.

Radiofrequency Discal Procedures
Nucleoplasty, a form of radiofrequency discal procedure, involves the insertion of a very thin needle into the disc. Nowadays, instead of a heating wire, a unique radiofrequency probe is inserted into the disc using the needle. This radiofrequency probe generates a highly focused plasma field which has enough energy to break down the gel ‘ s molecular bonds in the nucleus. This in turn essentially vaporizes the nucleus partly. As a result, 10%-20% of the nucleus gets removed leaving behind the disc decompressed. This reduces the pressure on the disc as well as the neighboring nerve roots.
Intradiscal Biacuplasty
This is an advanced type of new back pain treatment that also treats the discs from the inside. It is a medical procedure that involves applying heat to the annulus of the discs with a goal of ablating the neurons that generate pain sensation.
Spinal Stimulators and Pumps for Pain Relief
Intrathecal spinal pumps or simply spinal pumps are used to provide a constant flow of pain-relieving medication. The benefit of using the spinal pumps is that the medication is targeted at the points where it is needed only, unlike oral medications where the medicine is allowed to flow throughout the body.
So, if you have been suffering from back pain, it’s time to put an end to the suffering. Get your back treated now with these new procedures.