Things you should know about maintaining a Brahmin handbag
Brahmin leather works is a company that has been in the handbag industry for over 20 years. They have manufactured bags of superior quality and are known for their craftsmanship. The attention to detail and the functionality of their bags have kept them popular in the market.
If you have bought a bag from a Brahmin handbag clearance, you have certainly made a wise investment. While all their bags are durable, you will need to pay attention to them occasionally, to keep them looking brand new. Their bags are mostly made of leather. But you will also find bags of suede and fabric material in their collection.

Leather Handbag
Most of their collection is comprised of leather bags, and hence Brahmin handbags have also brought out a product to preserve the beauty of these bags. Use Brahmin leather conditioner before you use the bag. It helps to keep the handbag clean. You can find this in any Brahmin store or can order it online. You can even find it at a Brahmin handbag clearance. All you need to do is take a small amount of the conditioner with a clean cloth, gently rub it onto the leather and make sure you cover every nook and corner.
Fabric Handbags
The most common problem faced by fabric handbags is staining. The leather regions of your fabric handbag can be maintained with Brahmin leather conditioner. This will keep the leather in good shape if cleaned once a month. The fabric of the bag can be maintained with baby wipes to rub off dirt and stains. Make sure that the leather conditioner does not spread to the fabric. If you have grease or oil spills on your bag, then apply talcum powder and leave it on for about 24 hours. You can easily wipe it off once it dries. If you own fabric handbags from the Harbor collection, do not use baby wipes on the surface. It is best to use a wet cloth and slowly wipe off the stain.
Suede Handbag
Compared to other materials, you need to be more attentive to your Brahmin suede handbag. It is best to keep food, water, and other oily substances away from the bag. If your bag gets drenched, remove the contents and allow it to dry naturally. Use a soft suede brush to keep your bag in a good condition. You can do this 3 or 4 times a month to remove the accumulated dirt. There are Brahmin handbag clearance outlets where you can find these suede brushes. If you got grease or oil on it, try rubbing it after leaving talcum powder on the area for about 24 hours.
How to Store Your Brahmin Bag
When you are not using your Brahmin handbag, store them in protective soft storage to keep dust away from them. It is also best to keep it away from exposure to water or heat. Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight too. Products such as perfumes and hand sanitizers when in direct contact with the material can reduce its finish. Find a safe place to keep your handbag and be sure to maintain it. If you shop at a Brahmin handbag clearance, you will get a cover to store it when you purchase a bag.
Carry the right handbag with the perfect outfit
These hand-crafted bags are made with natural colors. This is to assure the timeless style and uniqueness of Brahmin bags. While you can flaunt Brahmin bags with almost any outfit, it is best to take a few precautions. If you own a light colored bag, be cautious when you wear dark colored outfits. This is particularly true in the case of denim.
The best place to shop for a handbag is at the Brahmin handbag clearance. You can get bags that are authentic and trendy at discounted prices from these sales. These little techniques help you get the perfect handbag that would compliment your daily look ad last for years.