What makes top freezer refrigerators so popular
Whether you are thinking of upgrading your old refrigerator or buying a new one, the makes and models of new refrigerators that have crowded the market will make you crazy! There are different styles and varieties available to suit everyone’s need.
Sometimes, in a quest to try something new, consumers end up with the wrong product and style. Hence, many a times, buyers stick with the traditional model rather than venturing for a new one.
What makes the top freezer refrigerator so popular?Top freezer refrigerators have been going around since the 1940s and are still popular with consumers today. Many rented apartments still prefer top freezer refrigerators for their tenants.

Even though the market is flooded with newer styles like the French door, side-by-side, compact, in-built, and bottom freezer, the top freezer accounts for more than half of the sales in the refrigerator market. Best refrigerator deals are easily available on top freezer models as they are the bestseller of the lot.
So, what is it that makes top freezer refrigerators so popular? The reason behind this is that the top freezer is comparatively cheaper, economical, and more efficient than other styles. Of course, the new entrants have their share of fancy features and styles that are missing in top freezer refrigerators.
The most important advantage a top freezer refrigerator has over other styles is its energy saving feature. Top freezers are mainly energy efficient. That’s the reason they are cheaper and cost less. The choices are also more in terms of size, capacity, and prices.
Speaking of advantages, this type of refrigerator is most preferred because of the space factor. They take less space especially in smaller kitchens where space is the constraint. However, the downside is its storage space when you compare with the latest models and styles.
Apart from other latest features like an ice and water dispenser, extra storage, and customized temperature settings, a top mount freezer has its traditional simplicity that attracts its buyers.
During any major sales, top mounted freezers get the best refrigerator deals. More than a matter of style and other factors like budget, space, and features, top freezer refrigerators are a matter of choice for many buyers.
Here are some of the best top freezer refrigerators that are bestsellers in the market:
- Frigidaire FFHT1821QS
This is the cheapest and one of the best refrigerator deals. Frigidaire is sized at 30 inches in height, is energy efficient, and has a decent temperature control settings.
All American made, GE top mounted freezer refrigerator holds the capacity of 14 cubic feet. Costing USD 900, this top freezer refrigerator has features like gallon door storage for milk or water, and half shelves for organizing taller items.
- Haier HT21TS45SW
This Haier model has surpassed all expectations and delivers the best performance in terms of storage and capacity. With a solid 17.5 cubic feet storage capacity, and one of the best prices on refrigerator at USD 800, Haier is energy efficient, has temperature control options, and more features like gallon door and spill proof shelves.
- Kenmore 78032
Kenmore is priced at USD 1,300, has a variety of useful features like touch pad controls, spill proof shelves, and considerable storage capacity. This top freezer model holds a storage capacity of 19.6 cubic feet
The top freezer refrigerator is giving serious competition to other styles and models. These are the envy of other models as buyers get best refrigerator deals on them.